Made In: Theoretically Brewing

Made In... Logo.jpg

Made In… (Stories of Stuff) exhibit logo.
Designed by one match fire

Lethbridge has a rich history in brewing and distilling, a history that is celebrated and continued through local microbreweries and passionate entrepreneurs. Theoretically Brewing co-founders Kelti Baird and Kris Fischer discuss the history of local brewing in Lethbridge and their work to bring that tradition back to the community. Learn more about the history of material culture in and from Lethbridge in our new exhibit Made In.

Explore other archival images related to the history of brewing in Lethbridge in our collections database.

The Galt is grateful to the subject-matter experts delivering online content. As local professionals and knowledge experts, these presenters add valuable contributions to the local discourse; however, their ideas are their own. The people featured in the videos and those behind the scenes followed best practices to protect their health and safety.