Galt Museum & Archives

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Galt Looking for Ideas from the Public

Information will inform 2016 - 2018 exhibit & program schedule

Lethbridge – The Galt Museum & Archives, which welcomes public suggestions for exhibitions and programs year-round, is currently gathering ideas to help inform its 2016 to 2018 schedule.

Wendy Aitkens, Curator at the Galt who is heading up the project, says “your ideas and input are important to our planning as we want to develop exhibitions and associated programs which fill your needs.

“Some of the areas we are specifically looking for are knowing what has been a person’s favourite museum visit in their life, what the museum could do that would bring you in, and what major issues affect you and your family and the community. We also provide and opportunity for people to rate themes, issues, and previous ideas.

“We hope to hear from people from all walks of life,” says Aitkens, “including business owners, recent immigrants, long-time residents, youth, members of community organizations, our social media followers too!”

A survey has been designed to collect public comments, thoughts and suggestions, available by following the link at Previous museum exhibitions and programs can also be reviewed there. The survey will be available through November 30.

“We plan to gather as much input through the online survey, but we’re happy to talk with people in person, so look for staff and volunteers out in the community with iPads and paper copies!” says Aitkens.

Ideas can also be emailed directly to Wendy Aitkens at or mailed to her at 910 – 4 Avenue South, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 0P6. They can be dropped off to Wendy’s attention at the information desk, or if you’d like to connect by phone, call Wendy at 403.320-3907 or the Galt’s CEO/Executive Director, Susan Burrows-Johnson, at 403.329-7300.